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Simple Past Tense

A. Definition and Function

Simple Past Tense adalah kata kerja yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau.
Pada simple past tense, waktu kejadian (yesterday, last year, last night, two weeks ago) atau periode waktunya (for two months, for a day, for an hour) dapat disebutkan secara spesifik. ciri utama pola past tense adalah penggunaan kata kerja bentuk kedua.

B. Example of Simple Past Tense

Jenis Kalimat
Contoh Simple Past Tense
Positive (+)
S + V2
Anti wrote the article last night
S + be (was/were)
Shawn Mendes was my favorite singer
Negative (-)
S + did + not + V1
Anti did not write the article last night
S + be (was/were) + not
Shawn Mendes was not my favorite singer
Interrogative (?)
Did + S + V1+?
Did Anti write the article last night?
Be (was/were) + S+?
Was your favorite singer Shawn Mendes?

inget ya di kalimat negatif sama introgatif pakenya verb 1

kalo mau presentasi download aja ini hihi PowerPoint Simple Past Tense
contoh soalnya juga download aja yoo di SimplePast Question
hope it useful thanks :)


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